Dear Sir/Madam,

We take the pleasure of inviting you for the launch of PSG-STEP:BioNEST - The Biotech Incubation Centre  & for the session on 'Emerging Bio Startup Ecosystem in Coimbatore' on 07th June 2019 at 4.00 pm at PSG-STEP, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
with the following resource persons as speakers of the session:
  • Dr Manish Diwan, Head, Strategic Partnership & Entrepreneurship Development, BIRAC, New Delhi
  • Dr Yogeswara Rao, Former Head, TNBD Division, CSIR, New Delhi
  • Dr I Anderson Ranjith Kumar, Deputy Vice President, TICEL Bio Park, Chennai
  • Dr Mohan Kumar, Director, Centre for Plant Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, TNAU, Coimbatore
  • Panel Discussion by Entrepreneurs in Biotech Domain
We request your participation in the event and look forward to the pleasure of hosting you at PSG.
With warm regards

K Suresh Kumar
Executive Director
PSG College of Technology
Coimbatore - 641004
Tamil Nadu, INDIA
Phone : +91-422-4363300, 4363301

For enquiries email: | call: 0422-4363300/301