MeitY TIDE 2.0

PSG-STEP is proud to be associated with the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology [MeitY], Govt. of India under TIDE 2.0 [Technology Incubation & Development of Entrepreneurs].
The TIDE 2.0 scheme envisages provisioning support to tech startups during the entire journey from idea-to-market. Financial support in the form of Entrepreneur-in-Residence [EiR], Grants and Investments are to be provided to startups
MeitY TIDE 2.0 - EiR [Entrepreneur in Residence]
EiR is suitable for individual(s)/ startups who need to develop and validate their idea to have a Proof-of-Concept [PoC] in place. 4 EiR funding support to the tune of ₹ 4.00 lakh for the period of 1 year may be provided upon evaluation by the committee to an applicant having an idea, who then initiates incubation with PSG-STEP where the fund is to be utilized for validation and development of an idea.
MeitY TIDE 2.0 - Grant
Grants to the tune of Rs.7 lakh per startup may be provided to nascebt startups having a definite proof of concept which are to be further developed into Minimum Viable Products (MVP).
We are currently accepting applications from early stage technology based startups at PoC/Early Prototype Stage that are leveraging technologies such as IoT, AI, BlockChain, Robotics etc. for the following thematic areas:

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