Social Innovation Immersion Programme (SIIP) is a programme conceptualized by the Biotech Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), Government of India under its SPARSH (Social Innovation Programme for Products: Affordable & Relevant to Societal Health) scheme.
The scheme supported by BIRAC under PSG-STEP SPARSH Centre intends to create a pool of social innovators in the biotech arena who will identify the specific needs and gaps in Ageing & Health. The social innovators will be provided financial and technical support for developing market-based solutions that have potential to bring cost effective health care breakthroughs to vulnerable populations in particular.
Theme: Ageing & Health
Grant in Aid
- Rs. 50,000 per month as fellowship
- Kick-start Grant of Rs. 5.0 Lakhs
Duration: 18 months
List of Selected SPARSH Fellows under "Ageing & Health - 2020"
1. Mr. Jegadeeshkumar K
2. Ms. Kiruthika S
3. Ms. Rubika J
4. Mr. Sudhakar K
5. Ms. Uvarani R
List of Selected SPARSH Fellows under "Waste to Value - 2022"
1. Ms Liya Therese AJ
2. Ms Nitu Joseph
3. Ms Krishna PB